The Red Product campaign was enormous and got major buzz by media mogul - Oprah Winfrey. What cause can you relate your business to that will garner you media coverage? Fusion Marketing Simply put, fusion marketing is when you form a strategic partnership with another business to help expand and mutually benefit each other's business.
An ideal business that would serve as a good partner is one who shares a similar target market with a different niche. As entrepreneurs, we always think we have to do things alone, but its amazing the synergy available from collaborating or aligning with email list others. Fusion marketing can take your business to levels you never thought possible before now. Fusion marketing online is done via link exchange, email marketing and many other creative campaigns. We see this daily with the "I'm Lovin' It" campaign by fast-food company McDonald's. They market GM cars, movies, and of course their food. Who comes to mind, as an ideal strategic partner to create a fusion marketing campaign?
Online Marketing There are a wide variety of options available when it comes to online marketing. The popular ones include: article, email, internet and website. Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry and syndicate them online in article directories or via RSS.