What’s your current plan to get to that incredible milestone? If you’re already on your way towards it, what’s working for you? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below. Do you consider yourself a rational, logic-driven person? Most of us do. Unfortunately, while most of us don’t want to admit it, even the best logic is usually tainted by emotions—emotions that we often don’t even realize are twisting our thinking. In psychology, they refer to these emotional influences as “cognitive biases”. While the existence of cognitive biases is a blow to the rational mind’s ego, if you understand them, they are actually an incredibly powerful construct for understanding yourself and your customer base.
This makes them incredibly useful tools Whatsapp Database in your marketing toolbox. Let’s take a look at what cognitive biases are, how they work and a few cognitive biases you can put to work in your own marketing campaigns! The Power of Cognitive Biases As consumers, we generally think of ourselves as rational people who can weigh outcomes and make the right decision. However, no matter how rational you might think you’re being during the purchasing process, we’re all largely driven by emotions.
Smart businesses know the power of emotion and use it to create ads that make people feel a certain way. For example, do you feel unattractive, boring or old? Want to be awesome, sexy and youthful? All you have to do is drink Coca-Cola at least, that’s what this ad communicates: image00 You could be like us if only you drank Coca-Cola. Old LEGO ads were not about the product, but the feeling of happiness and pride that comes with building something on their own: image00 It’s not about Nike shoes. It’s about becoming a better and greater version of yourself.